Friday, 18 November 2016


For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servans, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every one according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey... Matthew 25:14-32. KJV

When God created man, He created him with gifts and talents to fulfil His purpose on earth. As our faces are different and unique, so also are our gifts, talents, and potentials. We were all created with the natural abilities and gifts we need to live a life of purpose of fulfilment on earth. This means that, you can experience difficulty, discouragement, failure, and unfulfillment if what you were created for is different from what you are trying to do or be.

One of the greatest mistakes you will make is to despise your gifts and talent.
Talent is special ability to do something without prior experience or training. It is also a natural endowment. Talent is natural ability that you were born with. For example, it is very likely that someone born to parents with a natural voice for singing would also have some kind of natural singing ability. In addition, the children born to a writer more often than not possess a natural ability to write. Talents are your raw abilities, waiting to be developed. To make your talents attractive and marketable, you must develop it by learning and practice.

Gifts are supernatural abilities that we receive from God - We do not inherit gifts.
Skill is an ability that we learn and practice for a period. For example, you can acquire the skill of baking cakes, soap making, knitting, graphic design, and many more. You acquire skill by training. When you develop your raw talent into a skill, you can earn income and even become wealthy by it.

Talent and skill are not substitutes. They are designed to complement one another. This follows that, it is a wise thing to acquire skills that are in line with your talents. A skill is acquired through training, hard work, perseverance, dedication, and persistence.

Very early in life, you must give attention to your talents and gifts, because that will ultimately form the basis of your life. Recognise your natural abilities and gifts and place a premium on them. Talk to your parents and guardian about your passion and seek help from them on how to develop it. Discovering and recognising your talents and gifts will also give you a clue as to making a career choice. 

This follows that the most suitable career for you is not one that aligns with your wish, but one in which you can apply your talents and gifts. In addition, you can also acquire skills in the area of your gifts and talents. Your gifts and talents become marketable when you develop it-when you become skilled at it.

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