Thursday, 26 October 2017


Contrary to what you might be thinking now, I am not prophet of doom. I just hate it when people do not understand that, they possess the key to their happiness. My greatest assignment on earth is to inspire and empower you to build a solid foundation in all spheres of life. Foundation is vital to success and fulfilment in life.
You might be sitting there and thinking about what to do to make your relationship work, or how to get him to treat you better. Telling yourself the truth is the best thing that can ever happen to you. Self-deception and illusion is detrimental to happiness.
So why has he not married you after all these years? Why are you wasting your time with a person who you know obviously will not marry you? Here is the reason...

#1 You are already His Wife
Before I got married to my husband, I told myself I was not going to act like his wife, become I became one. I was not going to become his dry cleaner, cook, or sex partner. Do not get me wrong, I could decide to help him wash the plate whenever I visited, or fix his meal occasionally. Washing his clothes (I could help him rinse if he was washing and i was there)and having sex with him was completely out of the relationship, not just because I feared the Lord but because I loved and respected my own body.
I made up my mind that, if I was going to give my body to a man, then he must officially commit to me in marriage. I feel bad that most women do not realize or are ignorant of the fact that, most men hate commitment.  They are wired to believe that they can "eat their cake and still have it". Therefore, they will never take the step to commit to you completely when they already have you commit to them. You have the responsible to let your man know through your actions that it is okay to commit. Do not feel sorry for yourself because, men are turned off by pity-party women. Men love women who know what they want.So do not act inappropriately just becase you are afraid of losing him.
The man was wired by God to chase after a woman, not the other way around. They always desire something new. You will never have a man commit to you in marriage if you are already acting like his wife and baby sitter. The man you are in a relationship with should earn the right to have him help him by marrying you. 


Many women make the mistake of thinking that acting like his wife will make him hastily marry them but this is an illusion.
Ladies, even if you do not want to do this for God, do it for the love that you have for yourself. If the man pressures you into acting as his wife or become a sex partner, then he has some plan under his skin. He moves on to the next woman when he becomes tired of sleeping with you
A man will never begin to see you as his wife, until he marries you traditionally. This is regardless of your “wifely” duties towards. He might even see you as his house help or a desperate “chick”.


Ladies, love and respect yourself. No one else can love you more than you love yourself. This is the only chance you have of being treated rightly. Give him something to be excited and curious about by living some gaps empty. If you give him everything, then he loses his curiosity and excitement. Why does he need to marry you when he already has you acting as one? If a car dealer gave you a car and asked you to pay at your convenience,m would you be eager to pay seeing that you are already having fun with the car?
                                       To be CONTINUED...

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